Du vil afgå fra Praha-Holešovice, som ligger lige i centrum af byen Prag, og nyde den smukke natur under rejsen, mens du ankommer til Kiel Hbf, som også ligger i hjertet af Kiel.
Du vil afgå fra Praha-Holešovice, som ligger lige i centrum af byen Prag, og nyde den smukke natur under rejsen, mens du ankommer til Kiel Hbf, som også ligger i hjertet af Kiel.
Take a convenient journey from Prague to Kiel by train. In just 8 hours and 49 minutes, you can travel to this stunning Northern German city. On the way, you will pass some important cities and towns, and even take in some truly iconic sights. Here's everything you need to know to plan your Prague to Kiel train trip.
Stations and Duration:
The train journey from Prague to Kiel will take you through Berlin, Hamburg, and Lübeck on the way. Your starting station in Prague is Praha hlavní and your destination station in Kiel is Kiel Hbf. The total distance of your trip is 680km, and the journey lasts for 8 hours and 49 minutes.
Key Points Along the Journey:
On your journey, you will pass through some interesting cities and towns. Your trip will start in Prague, the capital city of the Czech Republic. From there, you will head eastwards into Germany, stopping in Berlin, one of the most vibrant and dynamic cities in Europe. You will then head north and enter Hamburg, with its stunning port and unique architecture. Then, you will pass through Lübeck, a picturesque and well-preserved old port city. Finally, you will arrive at your destination - Kiel.
Iconic Sights:
As you make your way from Prague to Kiel, you should keep your eyes open for some truly iconic sights. In Prague, you should make sure to check out the Charles Bridge, a 14th century bridge which is one of the city's most famous landmarks. In Hamburg, you should take a stroll past the St. Michaelis Church, a striking 18th century structure with distinctive Baroque architecture. In Lübeck, make sure to check out the Holsten Gate, a 14th century structure which has been the symbol of the city for centuries. Finally, in Kiel, make sure to take a look at the Kiel Canal, a major hub for trade and transportation which has been in use since the 19th century.
Traveling from Prague to Kiel by train is a convenient and comfortable way to explore two major cities in Europe. Whether you wish to check out the stunning architecture of Prague, take in the hustle and bustle of Berlin, or explore the quaint old port city of Lübeck, the journey from Prague to Kiel has something for everyone. So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your trip today!
Har du nogensinde undret dig over, hvorfor Prag, hovedstaden i Tjekkiet, ofte kaldes "Europas hjerte"? Denne fortryllende by byder på en perfekt blanding af historie, arkitektur og gastronomi, der får enhver rejsende til at vende tilbage. Lad os dykke ned i de must-see steder i Prag, der gør din rejse uforglemmelig.
Prags Borg (Pražský hrad): Dette storslåede slot, der troner højt over byen, er verdens største antikke borgkompleks. Kendt for sin arkitektoniske mangfoldighed fra gotisk til barok, er borgen hjemsted for Tjekkiets præsident. Åben dagligt, entré varierer mellem €10-15. Insider-tip: Besøg borgen ved solnedgang for en spektakulær udsigt over byen.
Karlsbroen (Karlův most): En ikonisk bro der spænder over floden Vltava, kendt for sine barokstatuer og livlige gadekunstnere. Bygget i det 14. århundrede og er et centralt punkt for både lokale og turister. Ingen entré, åben 24/7.
Den Gamle Byplads (Staroměstské náměstí): Hjertet af Prag, hvor man kan finde Astronomisk Ur og Tyn-kirken. Pladsen er omgivet af farverige barokhuse. Frit tilgængelig, besøg gerne ved middagstid for at se uret i aktion.
Václavpladsen (Václavské náměstí): Denne brede boulevard er et levende centrum for handel og kultur, med inspirerende bygningsværker og historisk betydning som samlingspunkt under fløjlsrevolutionen. Ingen entré, altid åben.
Jødisk Kvarter (Josefov): Dette historiske område byder på synagoger og den gamle jødiske kirkegård, der fortæller om den jødiske befolknings historie i Prag. Entré til forskellige steder varierer, men en dagbillet til alle større attraktioner koster omkring €15-20.
Nationalmuseet (Národní muzeum): Ligger i enden af Václavpladsen, dette museum har samlinger, der spænder over flere videnskabelige og kulturelle felter. Entré er ca. €10, åbent dagligt undtagen den første tirsdag i måneden.
Dansende Hus (Tančící dům): Et unikt eksempel på moderne arkitektur i Prag. Selvom det hovedsageligt er et kontorbygning, er tagterrassen åben for offentligheden og tilbyder en fantastisk udsigt. Lille entrégebyr for adgang til taget.
At bevæge sig rundt i Prag er en leg takket være dens kompakte størrelse og fremragende offentlige transport. Overvej sporvogne eller metro for at opleve byen som en lokal. Husk, de kulinariske oplevelser her—fra autentiske tjekkiske retter som svíčková (langtidsbraiseret oksekød) til det berømte tjekkiske øl. Prag er ikke bare en by, det er en oplevelse, der venter på at blive opdaget!
Kiel is a vibrant and beautiful port city in the German state of Schleswig-Holstein. With a rich history of seafaring and trade, Kiel is a destination for those seeking a combination of picturesque waterfronts and cultural immersion. Whether you’re looking for grand architecture or cool nightlife, there’s something for everyone here. From ancient historical sites to contemporary cafes, here are the top things to do, see and try in Kiel.
Kiel Fjord: Kiel Fjord is a stunning body of water that can be explored by boat or kayak. Here travelers can take in the views of the surrounding mountains and Kiel’s maritime charm. The fjord is also home to an array of wildlife, including seals and seabirds.
St. Nicholas' Church: St. Nicholas' Church is a Gothic-style cathedral and one of Kiel’s most important historical and architectural sites. The building, dating back to the 13th century, boasts a distinctive onion dome and is renowned for its beauty and grandeur.
Old Market Square: Old Market Square is at the heart of the city and is a major attraction in Kiel. Surrounded by centuries-old buildings, the market square hosts an array of markets, events, and festivals, and is also an excellent spot to sample some local food and drink.
Kiel Canal: Kiel Canal is an impressive feat of engineering and connects the Baltic Sea with the North Sea. It is the busiest artificial waterway in the world and can be explored on a boat tour or from a nearby bridge.
Kiel Town Hall: Kiel Town Hall is a stunning Renaissance building in the heart of the city. Its façade is adorned with statues, while its interior is decorated with lavish stucco work and frescoes. It is open to the public and offers guided tours.
Kiel Aquarium and Zoo: Kiel Aquarium and Zoo is a great place for travelers with kids. It is home to a huge array of species and features a diverse array of walk-through exhibits.
Forum Kiel: Forum Kiel is a contemporary entertainment venue and cultural hub with an array of live music, theater, and film screenings. Its many restaurants and bars are popular with locals and visitors alike.
From stunning architecture to fascinating historical sites, Kiel has something for everyone. Its combination of vibrant nightlife and picturesque waterfronts make it the perfect place to explore and unwind. And, be sure to feast on Kiel’s regional specialties, such as its delicious fish and smoked salmon.
Er du nysgerrig efter at opdage hjertet af jernbanetransporten i Tjekkiet? Prag's hovedbanegård, kendt som Prag Hlavní nádraží, er det centrale knudepunkt for både interne og internationale togrejser. Byen byder også på andre betydningsfulde togstationer som Prag-Holešovice og Prag-Masarykovo nádraží, der tjener vigtige regionale og lokale linjer.
Beliggende i hjertet af byen på Wilsonova 300/8, er hovedbanegården åben døgnet rundt, hvilket gør det nemt for rejsende at ankomme eller afgå på ethvert tidspunkt. For dem, der har brug for at opbevare deres bagage, tilbyder stationen praktiske bagageopbevaringstjenester, tilgængelige i åbningstiderne fra kl. 06:00 til 24:00 hver dag. Denne service sikrer, at du kan udforske byen håndfri, uanset om du ankommer tidligt eller har et sent afgangstidspunkt.
Kiel, in Germany, is home to the main railway station for the area, Kiel Hauptbahnhof. The station is the hub of the city’s railway network and offers connections to towns both near and far. There are also several other significant train stations within Kiel, including Kiel-Wik, Kiel-Schreventeich, and Kiel-Mettenhof.
Kiel Hauptbahnhof is located at Hermann-Föge-Straße 1, 24103 Kiel, Germany. It is open 24 hours a day, allowing travelers to come and go as they need. The station has a customer service center which can be contacted over the phone on +49 (0)431 9568 50 or by email at kundencenter@kb-kiel.de. It also offers luggage storage for short-term visitors.
Book i forvejen:
Ligesom med flypriser har togbilletter en tendens til at stige, jo tættere man kommer på afrejsedatoen. At booke uger eller endda måneder i forvejen kan spare dig for et betydeligt beløb.
Rejs uden for myldretiden:
Undgå at rejse i myldretiden, såsom hverdagsmorgener og aftener. Vælg i stedet at rejse midt på dagen, sent om aftenen eller midt på ugen, hvor der er mindre efterspørgsel.
Overvej langsommere tog eller ikke-direkte ruter:
Ekspres- eller højhastighedstog kan spare tid, men de er ofte dyrere. At vælge regionale eller langsommere tjenester kan reducere din billetpris.
Se efter særlige tilbud og kampagner:
Togoperatører har lejlighedsvis kampagner eller særlige tilbud, især i lavsæsonen. Det er værd at tilmelde sig nyhedsbreve. Derudover er der nogle gange gruppe- eller returbillet rabatter, så overvej disse muligheder, hvis de passer til dine rejseplaner.