Journey From Hamburg to Offenburg: The train journey from Hamburg to Offenburg is a pleasurable experience. The trip takes about 6 hours, and goes through some iconic places such as Frankfurt, Mannheim, Karlsruhe, and Freiburg. The distance between these two cities is around 600 km. During the trip, passengers can enjoy some of the most picturesque views of the South German countryside, including valleys, woods, fields and small villages.
Passengers depart from Hamburg Hbf station, where one of the most iconic items of the city can be spotted: The world famous Hamburg Miniatur Wunderland. Upon arrival to Offenburg, passengers can visit Storchenturm, a tower built in 1493 that is still standing.
Overall, the train journey from Hamburg to Offenburg is a great way to explore the German landscape. It is a perfect trip for those who want to experience beautiful views and iconic landmarks. There is also plenty of opportunities to take pictures and make lasting memories.
スペイヒャーシュタット - この歴史的な倉庫街は、ユネスコ世界遺産に登録されており、ハンブルク旅行の際には外せないスポットです。位置: Altstadt, 時間: 24時間オープン, 入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 夜に訪れると、ライトアップされた倉庫群が幻想的な雰囲気を醸し出します。
ミニチュアワンダーランド - 世界最大の鉄道模型展示で、子供から大人まで楽しめる場所です。位置: Kehrwieder 2-4, 時間: 09:00 - 18:00, 入場料: 大人 €15, 子供 €7.50。内部者のチップ: 混雑を避けるために、午前中早くかまたは予約をすることをお勧めします。
エルプフィルハーモニー - ハンブルクの新しいランドマークであり、圧倒的な建築美を誇ります。位置: Platz der Deutschen Einheit 1, プラットフォームからの眺めは無料ですが、コンサートへの入場は有料です。
植物園と植物博物館 - 様々な植物を楽しめる美しい場所です。位置: Loki-Schmidt-Garten, 時間: 09:00 - 18:00, 入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 季節の花が咲く時期を狙って訪れると良いでしょう。
フィッシュマーケット - 日曜の早朝に開かれる伝統的な市場で、新鮮な魚介類や土産物が手に入ります。位置: Große Elbstraße, 時間: 日曜 05:00 - 09:30, 内部者のチップ: 早起きして、地元の雰囲気を味わいましょう。
アルスター湖 - ハンブルクの中心に位置する美しい湖で、ボート遊びや散歩に最適です。内部者のチップ: 夕方に訪れると美しい夕日を楽しめます。
ライパーバーン - ナイトライフを楽しめるハンブルクの有名な通りです。位置: St. Pauli, 内部者のチップ: 地元のバーでハンブルクのビールを試してみてください。
Offenburg is a city of great historical and architectural landmarks that are sure to captivate any visitor. Located in the south-western part of Germany, the city is the perfect destination for those looking to explore the country’s rich culture, browse its stunning architecture, and indulge in a variety of delicious cuisines. This guide will present the top historical and architectural sights of Offenburg, as well as where to eat while exploring the city.
St. Peter’s Cathedral. This stunning Gothic cathedral dates back to 1220 and is one of the most important churches of the city. Its beautiful stained glass windows, painted ceilings, and intricately carved altars draw visitors in. It is located at Fischmarkt 1 and admission is free from Monday to Saturday between 10 am and 5 pm. Make sure to bring a camera as its breathtaking interior photos will make great keepsakes.
Schwarzwald-Messe. This industrial site is located within the heart of the Black Forest and was built in 1937. It is known for its impressive architecture, which is inspired by Futurism and includes several modernist buildings. It is located at 46 Böttingerstraße and is open every day from 9 am to 5 pm, with no entrance fee.
City Hall. This beautiful Baroque building is located in the Old Town and is known for its grand façade, ornate portico, and spiral staircases. It is open from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 5 pm, with no entrance fee. Head to the second floor to take in the breathtaking views of the city.
Historical Museum. Located in the Old Town at 21 Oberstraße, the museum is home to an impressive collection of artworks, artifacts, and sculptures from various periods in the city’s history. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm, with an entrance fee of €6.
Schlossberg Tower. Located at 19 Schlossberg, the tower is one of the oldest structures in the city and is known for its stunning views of the Rhine Valley and the surrounding countryside. It is open from Tuesday to Sunday, from 10 am to 5 pm, with no entrance fee.
Geroldsau Falls. Located at Furtweg 2, Geroldsau Falls is one of the most popular attractions in the city. It is a stunning waterfall located in a lush forest and is a great spot to explore on a hot summer day. There is a small entrance fee and the falls are open from 9 am to 5 pm.
Eating Out. Offenburg has a variety of delicious cuisine to try. For traditional German dishes, head to Old Town’s Oberkirch restaurant or the Schlossberg brewery. For a more eclectic meal, try out the local restaurants like the Bärenstube or the Löwenbrun restaurant. And for a light snack, the city’s many bakeries, cafes and ice cream shops are the perfect spot.
Offenburg is a great destination for those looking to explore historical and architectural sites, as well as sample delicious food from a variety of cuisines. With its impressive churches, stunning architecture, and gastronomic delights, a visit to this city is sure to be an experience of a lifetime.
Offenburg, in Germany, is home to one of the most important train stations in the country. Offenburg Hauptbahnhof is the main train station of the city, located in the center of Offenburg. There are other stations: Offenburg Ost, Offenburg Süd and Blankenloch.
The main station of Offenburg is open daily from 4:30am to 12:00am, with no service between 12:00am and 4:30am. You can contact the station by calling +49 1805 575 575. Luggage storage and lockers are available in the building.