Are you looking for the fastest way to travel from Munich to Göttingen? Take a train! The fastest journey between Munich and Göttingen is covered in 4h 39min, stopping at intermediate stations such as Nuremberg, Fulda, and Kassel-Wilhelmshöhe. The total distance of the entire journey is 480 km.
During the journey, you will pass through several important cities such as Ingolstadt, Würzburg, Kassel, and Göttingen. You will also pass through towns such as Schwabach, Bad Hersfeld, and Göttingen.
At the departure, you will be able to explore some iconic items such as the English Garden, which is a large park in Munich. You will also be able to explore the Nymphenburg Palace, which is one of the largest royal palaces in Europe.
At the arrival, Göttingen is a charming city with a fairy-tale-like landscape. There are lots of interesting places to explore, such as the Göttingen University Museum, the Marktplatz, and the old city centre. One of the most iconic items is the Gänseliesel, a bronze fountain statue of a young girl holding a goose.
Traveling by train from Munich to Göttingen is the fastest and most convenient way to cover the distance. So, don't miss out on this amazing journey to explore some of the most beautiful cities and towns in Germany!
ノイシュヴァンシュタイン城 - 位置: フュッセン近郊、時間: 9:00-18:00、入場料: 大人€13。内部者のチップ: 事前にオンラインでチケットを予約し、長い列を避けましょう。
マリエン広場 - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 24時間開放、入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 歩行者天国であり、近くのカフェで休憩を取りながら建築を楽しむのがおすすめです。
英国庭園 - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部から北へ、時間: 24時間開放、入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 自転車をレンタルして庭園を散策しましょう。
ドイツ博物館 - 位置: ミュージアム島、時間: 9:00-17:00、入場料: 大人€14。内部者のチップ: 広大な展示スペースを持つため、興味のあるセクションを事前に決めておくと良いでしょう。
ヴィクトアーレンマルクト - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 月曜日-土曜日 7:00-19:00、入場料: 無料。内部者のチップ: 地元のチーズやソーセージを試し、本物のバイエルン料理を楽しみましょう。
ミュンヘンレジデンツ - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 9:00-18:00、入場料: 大人€7。内部者のチップ: ガイド付きツアーを利用して、宮殿の豊かな歴史を学びましょう。
ホーフブロイハウス - 位置: ミュンヘン中心部、時間: 9:00-23:30、入場料: 無料(食事・飲み物は別)。内部者のチップ: 伝統的なバイエルン音楽が毎晩生演奏されます。地元のビールと一緒に楽しんでください。
Goettingen is a University city located in the Lower Saxony region of Germany. Home to the iconic Göttingen University and Observatory, the city is a hot spot for history buffs, architecture enthusiasts, and foodies alike. From classic German dishes like Apple Strudel to modern gastronomy, the city offers a wide variety of culinary delights. Here are some of the must-visit historical and architectural sites to check out while in Goettingen.
Göttingen University: One of the oldest and most renowned universities in the country, Göttingen University was founded in 1737. Located in the northern part of the city and formed largely in the Baroque style, it is home to some of the best astronomy, mathematics, and physics research in the world. Open to visitors throughout the year, the university is a great spot to explore its historical buildings and collections.
Old Observatory Göttingen: Another highlight of Goettingen is the Old Observatory located on the banks of the Leine Canal. It was designed by the Italian architect Daniel Barbaro and completed in 1733. Now a museum, the Observatory houses historical scientific instruments, including telescopes, sextants, and various scientific instruments from the 18th and 19th centuries, and is a reminder of Göttingen’s great scientific heritage.
Sightseeing Tour of Göttingen Old Town: For the full Goettingen experience, visitors should take a guided tour through the historic old town. With its cobbled streets, tranquil squares, and ancient churches, this is a great spot to soak in the city’s culture and get transport back in time. Starting at the covered market square, it’s possible to even take a boat tour around the city.
Göttingen Botanical Garden: Founded in 1734, the Goettingen Botanical Garden is Germany’s oldest._ Covered with more than 10,000 plant species, it is a great spot to stroll or sit down to enjoy a picnic. Spread over 8 hectares, this is an educational and green space for locals and visitors alike.
Neuwerk City Park: Another one of Goettingen’s green spaces, the Neuwerk City Park is the perfect spot for a relaxed afternoon. Filled with a variety of flowers and shrubs, it offers plenty of opportunities for bird-watching, picnics, and quiet river walks.
Jakobsbrunnen (Jacob's Well): Located in the old town square, Jakobsbrunnen is one of Goettingen’s iconic landmarks. This 18th century, Baroque-style fountain is a reminder of Goettingen’s rich cultural and artistic history.
Eat at Local Restaurants: When it comes to food in Goettingen, it can be hard to choose just one place to eat. From local delicacies like Currywurst to classic German dishes such as Schnitzel, Goettingen has it all. Some of the top-rated restaurants in the city include the historic Ratskeller, the modern bistro, Mokka, and the traditional beer garden, Eulenbräu-Gaststätte.
To wrap things up, visiting Goettingen is an unforgettable experience. From the university's rich history to the botanical garden and city park, it's easy to experience the best of German culture. From the classic German dishes, to the variety of local restaurants, it's a great spot for foodies to explore the culinary delights of the city. With a little planning, one can truly enjoy the unique architecture and history of this lovely German city.
ミュンヘン中央駅の住所はBayerstraße 10A, 80335 Münchenです。駅の営業時間は、毎日24時間開いていますが、店舗やサービスカウンターの営業時間は異なる場合があるので訪問前に確認することをお勧めします。手荷物委託サービスも提供しており、旅行中の荷物の取り扱いを容易にしてくれます。これらのサービスを利用することで、ミュンヘンでの滞在をより快適に、そして効率的に過ごすことができるでしょう。
Goettingen is a German city that has the Goettingen Hauptbahnhof as its main train station. It is in the middle of the city, has several shops and restaurants, a locker system and many other features that make it a great station. For passengers looking to go to other parts of Germany, there is the Ohm Valley train station (Ohmtalbahnhof).
Goettingen Hauptbahnhof is located at Paulinenstrasse 2, Goettingen. Opening hours are usually from 4:30am to 12:30am. To get more information you can call +49 551 23960 or visit their website. At the station, you can also find a luggage storage system and several shops.