Odhod bo iz Wiesbaden Hbf, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Wiesbaden, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Frankfurt (Main) Hbf, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Frankfurt am Main.
Odhod bo iz Wiesbaden Hbf, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Wiesbaden, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Frankfurt (Main) Hbf, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Frankfurt am Main.
Choo-Choo Ride: Experience the Journey from Wiesbaden to Frankfurt-am-Main
For anyone looking to travel from Wiesbaden to Frankfurt, the train route is the most comfortable and convenient way to get there! The journey takes roughly one hour and twenty minutes, and passes through a number of exciting places along the way. Not only that, but you also get to experience the iconic German landscape, dotted with quaint towns and rolling hills.
The route starts in Wiesbaden, a beautiful city with ancient palaces and historical buildings. You will then move onto Mainz, a lively city full of culture and art, and then towards the first stop of the route, Bad Homburg. After that, you will pass through Offenbach am Main, a vibrant city famous for its theater and art galleries. From there, the route continues to Frankfurt-am-Main, the financial centre of Germany.
During the journey, you will get to observe the lush green countryside of Germany, passing through quaint villages, towering mountains, and rivers. Along the way, you will also have the chance to catch a glimpse of impressive castles and historic monuments. The train route is about 54 kilometers long, with daily departures from Wiesbaden to Frankfurt-am-Main.
Finally, after a comfortable and scenic journey, you will arrive in Frankfurt-am-Main. Here, you can take in the remarkable sight of the distinctive skyline, the iconic Main Tower, and the majestic Römerberg square.
Travelling by train from Wiesbaden to Frankfurt-am-Main is a unique experience that allows you to witness the beauty of German landscape and its charming towns. With its short duration and convenient route, it is the best way to get from one place to another, and to experience Germany like a local.
Surrounded by rolling hills and elegant spas, Wiesbaden is one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in Germany. This city has a unique mix of modern architecture and historical attractions, making it an ideal destination for art and culture lovers, history buffs, and foodies. From the stunning Kurhaus to the bustling Marktplatz, there’s no shortage of things to do in Wiesbaden. Here is a list of must-visit historical and architectural sites and what to eat when exploring this charming city.
Kurhaus, Wiesbaden: This 19th-century building is the city’s main attraction, with its beautiful Baroque style façade. The Kurhaus is home to a casino, a theater, and several restaurants. Location: Wiesbaden Kurhausplatz 1. Hours: Casino open daily 1pm–3am. Entrance fee: Free (casino entrance fee may apply). Insider Tip: Check out the Kurhaus’s art and antiques gallery.
Marktplatz: Located at the heart of the city, the Marktplatz is the perfect place to catch a glimpse of Wiesbaden’s rich history. Here you’ll find old churches, half-timbered houses, and elegant stores. Location: Marktplatz, 65183 Wiesbaden. Hours: Open 24 hours. Entrance fee: Free. Insider Tip: Visit the Marktplatz on a Saturday morning for the local farmer’s market.
Römerplatz: This Roman piazza offers stunning views of the Mainz valley and is one of the most popular places in Wiesbaden. Located in the vibrant city center, this site is an ideal spot for relaxing and taking in the city’s atmosphere. Location: Römerplatz, 65183 Wiesbaden. Hours: Open 24 hours. Entrance fee: Free. Insider Tip: Take a leisurely stroll and explore the beautiful gardens and monuments.
Hessisches Staatstheater: This Baroque-style opera house is one of the city’s oldest and most iconic buildings. It offers a variety of theatrical performances, concerts, and operas, making it a must-visit destination for music lovers. Location: Friedrichstr. 7, 65185 Wiesbaden. Hours: Box office open Tuesday–Friday 11am–6pm. Entrance fee: Varies depending on the performance. Insider Tip: Book tickets in advance online to get discounts.
Schlossplatz: This square is home to the old Imperial Palace of Wiesbaden, an impressive Baroque-style building from the late 18th century. It also houses a number of cafes, shops, and restaurants. Location: Schlossplatz 8, 65183 Wiesbaden. Hours: Open 24 hours. Entrance fee: Free. Insider Tip: Take a walk around the square for some great photo opportunities.
Eberbach Abbey: This 12th century Abbey is a great example of Gothic architecture and is considered one of the most important historical sites in the region. It’s also home to a museum and a café, making it an ideal spot for a day trip. Location: Eberbach Abbey, Eberbachstraße 46, 65187 Wiesbaden. Hours: Museum open Tuesday–Saturday 10am–4pm. Entrance fee: Free. Insider Tip: Visit the Abbey at night for a dramatic effect.
Wiesbaden Cuisine: Wiesbaden is known for its delicious food, and local specialties include Schnitzel and Sauerbraten. Head to the Marktplatz for a variety of local dishes, or visit the cozy restaurants and cafes in the city center. Insider Tip: Try the Apple Cake at Café Liebe for a sweet treat.
From its charming cobbled streets to its grandiose architecture, Wiesbaden offers visitors a unique taste of German life. Whether you’re looking for historical sites or culinary delights, this vibrant city has something for everyone. So if you’re planning a trip to Wiesbaden, be sure to add these must-visit sites to your list.
Obiščite srce finančnega sveta v Nemčiji, mesto Frankfurt am Main, kjer se prepletata stara zgodovina in sodobna arhitektura. Frankfurt ni le dom ene najimpozantnejših silhuet v Evropi, temveč tudi mesto z bogato zgodovinsko dediščino, ki obiskovalce vabi na nepozabno raziskovanje.
Osrednji trg Römerberg je srce Frankfurta z značilnimi polkrožnimi fasadami. Je prizorišče številnih zgodovinskih dogodkov in mestnih proslav. Lokacija: Altstadt, odprto ves dan, brez vstopnine. Najbolje je obiskati med mestnimi festivali.
Frankfurtska katedrala
Gotska katedrala, znana tudi kot Kaiserdom, je kraj kronanja nemških cesarjev. Lokacija: Domplatz 1, odprta od 09:00 do 20:00, vstopnina: €3. Obisk priporočamo zgodaj zjutraj za mirnejše vzdušje.
Städel Museum
Ena najpomembnejših umetnostnih galerij v Nemčiji, z impresivno zbirko od srednjeveške do moderne umetnosti. Lokacija: Schaumainkai 63, odprto od 10:00 do 18:00, vstopnina €16. Obiščite v popoldanskih urah za manj gneče.
Main Tower
Razgledna točka v eni izmed najvišjih stavb v Frankfurtu nudi panoramski pogled na celotno mesto. Lokacija: Neue Mainzer Str. 52-58, odprto od 10:00 do 21:00, vstopnina €7,50. Najboljši razgled je ob sončnem zahodu.
Botanični vrt, ki predstavlja rastlinske vrste z vsega sveta. Lokacija: Siesmayerstraße 61, odprto od 09:00 do 16:00, vstopnina €7. Idealno za popoldanski sprehod.
Goethejeva hiša
Rojstna hiša slavnega nemškega pesnika Johann Wolfganga von Goetheja, danes muzej. Lokacija: Großer Hirschgraben 23-25, odprta od 10:00 do 18:00, vstopnina €7. Obiščite za vpogled v zgodnje življenje Goetheja.
Stari operni teater
Impresivna neorenesančna stavba, ki je središče kulturnega življenja mesta. Lokacija: Opernplatz, odprta za javne dogodke, cene vstopnic se razlikujejo. Vredno obiska za ljubitelje klasične glasbe in oper.
Frankfurt je mesto, kjer vsak kotiček pripoveduje svojo zgodbo, od starih trgov do modernih razglednih točk. Ne pozabite uživati v tradicionalnih frankfurtskih klobasah in lokalnem jabolčnem vinu, ki popolnoma dopolnijo vašo izkušnjo v tem dinamičnem mestu. Raziskovanje Frankfurta z vlakom je udobno in učinkovito, saj omogoča enostavno dostop do vseh glavnih znamenitosti.
Wiesbaden's main train station is Wiesbaden Hauptbahnhof, located in the heart of the city in Hesse, Germany. It is one of the busiest railway stations in the country, and connects to the city's other stations, such as Wiesbaden Süd and Wiesbaden-Heddernheim.
The station is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It provides multiple services, like ticket offices, luggage storage, postal services and a lost and found. Address: Bahnhofsplatz 10, 65189 Wiesbaden, Germany. Contact telephone: +49 611 43350. Luggage storage: €4,50/day.
V Frankfurtu am Main se nahaja glavna železniška postaja, znana kot Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, ki je ena izmed najpomembnejših prometnih točk v Nemčiji. Ta postaja povezuje številne mednarodne in domače linije, zaradi česar je ključna za potovanja po Evropi. Poleg glavne postaje ima Frankfurt še več drugih pomembnih železniških postaj, kot so Frankfurt Süd in Frankfurt West, ki prav tako servisirajo različne urbane in regionalne linije.
Glavna postaja, Frankfurt Hauptbahnhof, se nahaja na naslovu Am Hauptbahnhof 1, 60329 Frankfurt am Main. Delovni čas postaje je prilagojen potrebam potnikov, saj je odprta 24 ur na dan, kar omogoča dostopnost ne glede na čas prihoda ali odhoda vlakov. Za potnike, ki potrebujejo shranjevanje prtljage, so na voljo storitve za oddajo prtljage, kjer lahko varno hranijo svoje stvari, medtem ko raziskujejo mesto ali čakajo na svoj naslednji vlak.
Rezervirajte vnaprej:
Podobno kot pri letalskih vozovnicah, cene vozovnic za vlak običajno naraščajo, ko se približuje datum odhoda. Rezervacija tednov ali celo mesecev vnaprej vam lahko prihrani znatno vsoto.
Potujte med nizko sezono:
Izogibajte se potovanju v času konic, kot so jutranji in večerni termini med tednom. Izberite poldan, pozni večer ali vožnje sredi tedna, ko je povpraševanje manjše.
Razmislite o počasnejših vlakih ali indirektnih poteh:
Ekspresni ali hitri vlaki lahko prihranijo čas, vendar so pogosto dražji. Izbira regionalnih ali počasnejših storitev lahko zmanjša vaše stroške.
Poiščite posebne ponudbe in promocije:
Prevozniki vlakov občasno ponujajo promocije ali posebne ponudbe, še posebej izven glavne sezone. Vredno se je prijaviti na novice. Poleg tega so včasih na voljo popusti za skupine ali povratne vozovnice, zato razmislite o teh možnostih, če ustrezajo vašim načrtom potovanja.