Polazićete iz Elmshorn, koji se nalazi tačno u centru grada Elmshorn, i uživati u prelepom pejzažu tokom putovanja dok ne stignete u Kopenhagen, koji se takođe nalazi u srcu Kopenhagen.
Polazićete iz Elmshorn, koji se nalazi tačno u centru grada Elmshorn, i uživati u prelepom pejzažu tokom putovanja dok ne stignete u Kopenhagen, koji se takođe nalazi u srcu Kopenhagen.
Heading from Elmshorn to Copenhagen is a journey that could be called the 'Garden of Europe'. Let's discover the beauty of German and Danish cities as we travel from the suburban city of Elmshorn to the colorful and thriving city of Copenhagen. The journey is about 94 km long and it would take no more than two hours and 40 minutes with a direct train.
The main stations that you will pass through are Pinneberg, Hamburg Dammtor, Glinde, and Pries. During the trip, you will witness the beautiful landscapes of Hamburg, There you may spot some iconic and interesting items such as old windmills and the main church of Hamburg, St. Michael's. As you continue on your way, passing by rivers, trees, and vast plains, you will eventually arrive to Glinde. From there, you will continue on to Pries, and then to the most awaited destination in this journey: Copenhagen.
Copenhagen is well known for its beautiful architecture, the charming canals, and the amazing color of its skies. The iconic landmarks of Copenhagen are the Little Mermaid in the Havn, the old castle of Kronborg, and the beautiful yellow buildings at Nyhavn. Right outside the train station, you can discover the old city center, filled with the most colorful shops and cafés.
This charming journey between Elmshorn and Copenhagen is definitely worth taking. It will be a mix of German and Danish cultures, beautiful landscapes, and stunning architecture.
Elmshorn, located in the northwestern part of Germany, is a city of history, culture, and architecture. With its charming old town, and vibrant social life, it has something to offer for everyone. Here are 7 must-visit historical and architectural sites and what to eat in Elmshorn:
Claudiustherme: A spa complex with a Roman-style thermal bath, saunas, and swimming pools, this place is a must-visit for some rest and relaxation. Open all year round, the entry fee is €12 for adults.
St. Jacobi-Kirche: This impressive Gothic-style church is the largest brick church in the world. Located in the center of Elmshorn, it is free to enter and offers guided tours as well as concerts.
Rathaus: Elmshorn’s Rathaus, or Town Hall, is a stunning example of neo-gothic architecture that dates back to 1888. Open to the public, the entry is free.
Heide Park: Located just a half-hour drive away from Elmshorn, Heide Park is Germany's largest theme park. It has over 40 rides, attractions, and an array of restaurants and cafes.
Elmshorner Hafen: At Elmshorner Hafen, visitors can experience a unique blend of nature and culture. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, take a stroll around the harbor and try some of the local seafood.
Elmshorner Markt: The Elmshorner Markt is a great place to buy fresh produce, sample local delicacies, and take advantage of the unique atmosphere. It is open every Tuesday and Thursday from 8 am to 6 pm and Sundays from 9 am to 2 pm.
Hafencity: This newly-developed area is full of entertainment, shopping, and dining options. Located close to the old town, it’s a great way to experience the modern side of Elmshorn.
From thermal baths to theme parks, and from churches to markets, Elmshorn has something to offer for all types of travelers. Whether you’re looking for a relaxing getaway or an exciting adventure, Elmshorn is the perfect destination.
Zamislite grad gde se istorijska arhitektura prepliće sa modernim dizajnom, a vikinška istorija oživljava na svakom koraku - dobrodošli u Kopenhagen, prestonicu Danske. Ovaj grad, poznat po svojim slikovitim kanalima i biciklističkim stazama, nudi obilje kulturnih doživljaja i gastronomskih otkrića.
Tivoli Gardens, jedan od najstarijih zabavnih parkova na svetu, otvoren je 1843. godine i predstavlja obaveznu destinaciju za posetioce. Istorija, šarm i jedinstvena atmosfera Tivolija oduševljavaju posetioce svih uzrasta. Lokacija: u centru grada, blizu glavne železničke stanice. Radno vreme varira u zavisnosti od sezone, stoga proverite pre posete. Savet: Kupite ulaznice unapred online kako biste izbegli gužve.
Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek je muzej koji ne smete propustiti. Ovaj hram umetnosti nudi impresivne kolekcije od staroegipatskih skulptura do dela francuskih impresionista. Lokacija: blizu Tivoli parka. Radno vreme: zatvoreno ponedeljkom. Savet: Uživajte u besplatnom ulazu svake srede.
Arhitektonski, Opera House u Kopenhagenu je remek-delo moderne arhitekture i jedno od najtehnički savremenih opernih kuća na svetu. Savet: Pokušajte da osigurate karte za neku od predstava, što je iskustvo koje se ne zaboravlja. Lokacija: na obali nasuprot Amalienborga.
Rosenborg Castle, izgrađen u 17. veku, dom je nekih od najvažnijih danskih kraljevskih regalija. Lokacija: u parku Kongens Have. Savet: Ne propustite da vidite krunu danskog kralja. Radno vreme: zatvoreno ponedeljkom.
Posetite Christiansborg Palace, mesto gde se nalazi danski parlament, vrhovni sud i Ministarstvo države. Lokacija: na ostrvu Slotsholmen. Radno vreme: otvoreno svakodnevno, ali proverite specifične detalje na zvaničnom sajtu. Savet: Posetite kraljevske konjušnice koje su deo kompleksa.
The Little Mermaid je nezaobilazna statua inspirisana Andersenovom bajkom, simbol Kopenhagena. Iako je manja nego što većina očekuje, poseta ovoj ikoni je kao pripovedanje bajke. Lokacija: na obali na Langelinie.
Nationalmuseet, nacionalni muzej Danske, nudi duboki uvid u dansku istoriju od vikinškog doba do modernih vremena. Lokacija: u centru grada, blizu Christiansborga. Savet: Iskoristite besplatan ulaz.
Šetajući ulicama Kopenhagena, osjetićete jedinstven spoj prošlosti i sadašnjosti, a danskim specijalitetima poput smørrebrøda (tradicionalni sendvič) i lagkage (slojevita torta) zadovoljićete i svoje gastronomske apetite. Uživajte u svakom trenutku u ovom čarobnom gradu!
Elmshorn is a city in northern Germany known for its train station. The main train station is called Elmshorn Hauptbahnhof. It is always busy and it offers services to different cities in the area. There are also other important train stations in Elmshorn, like the Elmshorn Nord Station.
Elmshorn Hauptbahnhof is located at Bahnhofstraße 12-14, 25335 Elmshorn. It is open 24 hours and you can find different ticket machines and other passenger services at the station. For information about luggage storage, train connections and other services, you can call +49 04121 779950.
Da li ste znali da Kopenhagen, glavni grad Danske, ima svoju centralnu železničku stanicu koja je srce gradskog i međunarodnog železničkog saobraćaja? Glavna stanica, Københavns Hovedbanegård, je najveća stanica u Danskoj i ključno je mesto za putnike koji žele da istraže grad i okolinu. Pored nje, u gradu postoji nekoliko drugih relevantnih stanica, kao što su Nørreport i Østerport, koje su takođe dobro povezane sa različitim delovima grada i okolnih regija.
Glavna železnička stanica u Kopenhagenu se nalazi na adresi Banedamsgade 1, i otvorena je svakog dana, pružajući usluge od ranog jutra do kasno u noć. Stanica nudi različite usluge prtljaga, koje olakšavaju putnicima upravljanje njihovim stvarima tokom putovanja. Bez obzira da li dolazite u Kopenhagen radi posete, posla ili tranzita, ova stanica nudi sve neophodne usluge za udoban i bezbrižan boravak.
Rezervujte vopred:
Rovnako ako pri letenkách, ceny vlakových lístkov majú tendenciu stúpať, keď sa blíži dátum odchodu. Rezervácia týždne alebo dokonca mesiace vopred Vám môže ušetriť značnú sumu.
Cestujte mimo dopravnej špičky:
Vyhnite sa cestovaniu v špičkových časoch, ako sú rána a večery počas pracovných dní. Zvoľte si cestovanie počas poludnia, neskorého večera alebo v polovici týždňa, keď je menší dopyt.
Zvážte pomalšie vlaky alebo nepriame trasy:
Expresné alebo vysokorýchlostné vlaky môžu ušetriť čas, ale sú často drahšie. Výber regionálnych alebo pomalších služieb môže znížiť Vaše cestovné náklady.
Hľadajte špeciálne ponuky a akcie:
Prevádzkovatelia vlakov príležitostne ponúkajú akcie alebo špeciálne ponuky, najmä počas obdobia mimo špičky. Stojí za to prihlásiť sa na odber newsletterov. Okrem toho sú niekedy k dispozícii skupinové alebo spiatočné zľavy na lístky, preto zvážte tieto možnosti, ak zapadajú do vašich cestovných plánov.