Odhod bo iz Baden-Baden, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Baden-Baden, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Kopenhagen, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Kopenhagen.
Odhod bo iz Baden-Baden, ki se nahaja v samem središču mesta Baden-Baden, in uživali boste v čudoviti pokrajini med potovanjem, medtem ko boste prispeli v Kopenhagen, ki se prav tako nahaja v središču Kopenhagen.
Departing from Baden-Baden central, you’ll experience a traditional Black Forest ‘Auf Wiedersehen’. As you make your way through Germany, you’ll pass through such noteworthy places as Frankfurt, Berlin, and Hanover, each with its own story to tell. Upon arriving in Hamburg, you’ll be treated to a harborfront view of the iconic Elbphilharmonie, one of the world’s most beautiful concert halls!
After a quick stop in Kiel, you’ll continue your journey to Copenhagen for an amazing night out! As you cross the Oresund Bridge into the city, you’ll be greeted by the famous Little Mermaid statue on the harbour. Once in the city centre, explore the cobblestone streets of the old city and see the royal palaces.
Take your time to explore the sights and sounds of Denmark’s capital on your journey from Baden-Baden to Copenhagen and you won’t regret it! Along the way, you’ll experience some of the most stunning scenery in Europe, as well as cultural and historical sites and activities that will make your trip unforgettable.
Baden-Baden is a gorgeous city in southwestern Germany known for its mineral springs, luxury spas, and stunning architecture. This city has something for everyone, from the casual tourist to the avid art lover. Whether you’re looking for a day of relaxation or some sightseeing, Baden-Baden has it all. Here are the seven must-visit places if you're planning a trip to Baden-Baden.
The Baden-Baden Theater: This historic theater dates back to the 19th century and has since become one of the city’s most popular attractions. It's home to a variety of shows, including concerts, ballet, opera, and plays. The building itself is a masterpiece of neoclassical architecture, featuring breathtaking sculptures, grandiose ceilings, and vibrant frescoes. Location: Maximilianplatz 9, 76530 Baden-Baden. Hours: 10:30am to 6:00pm (closed on Sunday). Admission fee: varies by show. Insider tip: Buy tickets online to avoid long queues.
Friedrichsbad: This impressive spa is one of the city’s main attractions. It offers visitors a range of spa treatments, from mineral baths to saunas, as well as a range of therapies. The spa also features a number of stunning architectural features, including a glass dome, Baroque sculptures, and ornate chandeliers. Location: Römerplatz 1, 76530 Baden-Baden. Hours: 9:00am to 10:00pm (Monday to Saturday). Admission fee: varies by service. Insider tip: Check the website for discounts and special offers.
Eberstein Castle: Perched high up on a hill overlooking the city, Eberstein Castle is a picturesque landmark with spectacular views. The castle was built in the 12th century, and today it’s a popular tourist attraction. Visitors can explore the castle’s extensive grounds, as well as the grandeur of the interior, which includes a collection of antique furniture and paintings. Location: Ebersteinburg 1, 76530 Baden-Baden. Hours: 10:00am to 5:00pm (closed on Monday). Admission fee: €5. Insider tip: Visit in the evening to see the castle lit up in the night sky.
Caracalla Spa: Another popular spa in Baden-Baden, the Caracalla Spa offers visitors a plush and tranquil atmosphere in which to relax and unwind. The spa houses a thermal pool that can be enjoyed in both winter and summer, as well as a range of beauty treatments. Location: Caracalla-Therme 1, 76530 Baden-Baden. Hours: 9:00am to 10:00pm (Monday to Saturday). Admission fee: varies by service. Insider tip: Check the website for discounts and special offers.
Festspielhaus Baden-Baden: This grand concert hall is one of the largest in the world and hosts a variety of performances, from operas to pop concerts. The interior boasts impressive Baroque features, such as frescoes and chandeliers. Location: Festspielhaus Baden-Baden, Beim Alten Bahnhof 2, 76530 Baden-Baden. Hours: 10:00am to 5:00pm (Monday to Saturday). Admission fee: varies by show. Insider tip: Buy tickets online to avoid long queues.
Trinkhalle: Built in 1834, the Trinkhalle is a beautiful colonnade lined with fountains and sculptures. The impressive building also houses the city’s tourism office and a number of restaurants. Location: Maximilianplatz, 76530 Baden-Baden. Hours: 8:00am to 7:00pm (Monday to Saturday). Admission fee: Free. Insider tip: Go early to beat the crowds.
Casino Baden-Baden: This iconic casino has been a landmark in Baden-Baden since it opened in 1809. Today it still attracts guests from around the world for its gaming tables and elegant restaurant. Location: Kaiserallee 1, 76530 Baden-Baden. Hours: 2:00pm to 4:00am (closed on Sunday). Admission fee: €4. Insider tip: Don’t forget to dress up – no shorts or sandals are allowed.
A trip to Baden-Baden doesn't have to be all about the sightseeing. Be sure to indulge in the local cuisine consisting of hearty dishes like Sauerbraten and Maultaschen as well as some of the city’s renowned pastries. No matter what you choose to do and see, Baden-Baden will surely make for a memorable holiday.
Obiščite Kopenhagen, prestolnico Danske, kjer zgodovinska arhitektura sreča sodoben dizajn. To mesto ponuja neskončne možnosti za raziskovanje bogate kulture in impresivnih znamenitosti. Začnite vašo avanturo v srcu Skandinavije in doživite mešanico čarovnije, ki jo lahko ponudi le Kopenhagen.
Rosenborg grad
Ta renesančni grad, zgrajen v zgodnjem 17. stoletju, je dom dragocenih draguljev, kot so danski kraljevi regaliji. Nahaja se v parku Kongens Have v osrčju mesta. Odpiralni čas je odvisen od sezone, vstopnine pa so približno 12 €. Obisk priporočamo zgodaj zjutraj za izogibanje gneči.
Pisano pristanišče Nyhavn je znano po svojih barvitih hišah iz 17. in 18. stoletja ter številnih restavracijah in kavarnah. To območje je popolno za sprehode in uživanje v morski hrani. Najdete ga blizu mestnega središča. Obisk Nyhavn je brezplačen, idealen čas za obisk pa je popoldne.
Nacionalni muzej
Muzej ponuja vpogled v danską zgodovino od prazgodovine do sodobnosti. Leži v bližini glavne železniške postaje. Odpiralni čas je od 10:00 do 18:00, vstopnina pa je okoli 15 €. Obiskovalcem svetujemo, da si za ogled rezervirajo vsaj nekaj ur.
Na otoku Slotsholmen, ta impresiven grad služi kot sedež danskega parlamenta. Obiskovalci lahko raziskujejo kraljeve sprejemne sobe, uničene dvorane in stolp s panoramskim razgledom na mesto. Odpiralni čas je od 9:00 do 17:00, vstopnina pa znaša približno 20 €.
Tivoli vrtovi
Odprti leta 1843, Tivoli je drugi najstarejši zabaviščni park na svetu in ponuja vrsto zabavnih voženj ter kulturnih dogodkov. Nahaja se v centru mesta. Odpiralni čas se razlikuje, vstopnine pa se začnejo pri 16 €. Obisk priporočamo popoldne ali zvečer, ko so luči parka posebej čarobne.
Designmuseum Danmark
To je epicenter danskega oblikovanja in umetnosti, kjer so razstavljeni deli od srednjega veka do danes. Muzej se nahaja blizu Kastelleta. Odpiralni čas je od 10:00 do 18:00, vstopnina pa je okoli 12 €. Ljubiteljem oblikovanja priporočamo, da si za obisk vzamejo veliko časa.
Kraljeva palača Amalienborg, s svojo edinstveno arhitekturo v rokoko stilu, je dom danske kraljeve družine. Kompleks je odprt za javnost, kjer si lahko ogledate muzej in spremljate menjavo straže. Nahaja se v bližini pristanišča. Odpiralni čas je od 10:00 do 16:00, vstopnina pa je okoli 10 €. Obisk priporočamo v dopoldanskih urah za ogled menjave straže.
Odkrivanje Kopenhagna z vlakom prinaša lahkotno in učinkovito raziskovanje teh in mnogih drugih znamenitosti. Ne glede na to, ali se sprehajate po slikovitem Nyhavn ali raziskujete kraljeve palače, Kopenhagen vam ponuja nepozabno potovanje skozi čas in kulturo.
The main train station in Baden-Baden, in Germany, is the Baden-Baden Hauptbahnhof. There are several other stations in the city, including the Friedrichsbad and Geroldsau stations. These are located close to tourist attractions and provide convenient access to visitors.
The Baden-Baden Hauptbahnhof is located at 80 Lichtentaler Allee, 76530 Baden-Baden, Germany. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and has ticket offices, a luggage storage, and a public telephone service. For further information passengers can call +49 7221 2500.
Ali ste vedeli, da je Kopenhagen, prestolnica Danske, dom ene izmed najbolj prometnih železniških postaj v Severni Evropi? Glavna železniška postaja, Københavns Hovedbanegård, se nahaja v srcu mesta in služi kot ključno vozlišče za domače ter mednarodne povezave. Poleg glavne postaje, mesto ponuja tudi druge pomembne postaje, kot so Nørreport in Vesterport, ki prav tako zagotavljajo odlične povezave po celotni državi in Skandinaviji.
Glavna postaja Københavns Hovedbanegård se nahaja na naslovu Bernstorffsgade 16, 1577 København V. Delovni čas postaje je odpravljen za potnike skozi cel dan, saj je postaja odprta 24 ur na dan, vse dni v tednu. Za tiste, ki potrebujejo shraniti svojo prtljago, postaja nudi storitve oddaje prtljage, ki so dostopne ob razumnih cenah, kar omogoča enostavno raziskovanje mesta brez dodatnih bremen.
Rezervirajte vnaprej:
Podobno kot pri letalskih vozovnicah, cene vozovnic za vlak običajno naraščajo, ko se približuje datum odhoda. Rezervacija tednov ali celo mesecev vnaprej vam lahko prihrani znatno vsoto.
Potujte med nizko sezono:
Izogibajte se potovanju v času konic, kot so jutranji in večerni termini med tednom. Izberite poldan, pozni večer ali vožnje sredi tedna, ko je povpraševanje manjše.
Razmislite o počasnejših vlakih ali indirektnih poteh:
Ekspresni ali hitri vlaki lahko prihranijo čas, vendar so pogosto dražji. Izbira regionalnih ali počasnejših storitev lahko zmanjša vaše stroške.
Poiščite posebne ponudbe in promocije:
Prevozniki vlakov občasno ponujajo promocije ali posebne ponudbe, še posebej izven glavne sezone. Vredno se je prijaviti na novice. Poleg tega so včasih na voljo popusti za skupine ali povratne vozovnice, zato razmislite o teh možnostih, če ustrezajo vašim načrtom potovanja.